Blogging Assignment need to start a blog...go to and start a blog.
Please do not put your last name on the blog.
Senior requirements:
-1 political or news blog per week minimum (you can do more, but not less)
These blog entries must have at least 5 linked sources per week
-1 stock tip blog per week with supporting links to back your stock pick
Everyone else
1 blog per week minimum on the topics we are studying.
These blog entries must have at least 5 linked sources per week
-Once you have created your blog, email me the address so I can subscribe to it.
Do be aware that anything you put on the blog is available to keep it clean, and spell check, so that you do not look like a moron.
If you you need public domain (okay to publish) pictures, try this site.
Hey Rocky, I'd love to check out some of your student's blogs when they get them up and running.
Also, shouldn't you have an rss feed or a way to subscribe to your blog on your site? Or is that a "do as I say, not as I do" teacher trick. :-)
I'm glad to see you're posting a little more. Time can be a factor, for sure. Keep it up.
From one teacher to another,
I will be posting links to them soon...I do need to insert an RSS feed....
I have been at CES the last two days, and our hotel did not have wireless (talk about roughing it), so I have not posted.
Pictures of CES will be forthcoming....all I can say is..."WOW!"
Sounds like you had a good time. It looks to be a tech dream place. :-)
I did notice the bloglines link. Goodie. I also look forward to seeing what the new generation of Christian Schools are putting out into the marketplace for ideas. :-)
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