Jan 18, 2006

The Market this morning

The headline this morning is proclaiming Rough Start on Wall Street, but more ominous is the the early closure of the Japanese market due to a sharp downturn.
The CNN article points toward downturns in Intel and Yahoo and other computer interests as the driver in our downturn, and it will be interesting to see if the market adjusts upwards later in the day, or whether the downturn continues. More to come as it happens.

10:40 A.M. PST

The market is down just over 70 points with 2 hours and 40 minutes to go. I have been telling students since 8 A.M. that anything less than a 100 point decline is a win for today, and will likely be recouped in the next two days...of course, we will see on that prediction.

Say it with me now..."Rally, Rally, Rally!"

12:20 P.M. PST

Less than a 100 point drop after the Japanese Market was forced to close early means that the Market has likely weathered this storm....(more than likely less than 70 pts)

The economy continues to grow, and the deficit continues to shrink.

Once again, the little feathered guy has incorrectly predicted the sky falling....

The market has closed, and the numbers indicate that this turned out to be a far less dangerous day for investors than originally forecast. Intel will likely recoup their decline pretty quickly, so the only danger appears to be for those who overreacted.

Final UPDATE on this topic
Bright news might be on the horizon as news breaks that the Japanese Markets rebounded in today's trading.


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