Feb 2, 2006

Meet Slippery Slope


The Massachusetts Board of Pharmacies has decreed that Walmart will be required to carry the "Emergency Contraception".....you know, I thought maybe I had used a little too much hyperbole when I used the cliche "slippery slope" in the title, but the paragraph...
"Sam Perkins, a lawyer for the three women, praised the board's decision and said he was prepared to sue in other states should Wal-Mart not overturn its policy. Abortion rights groups and women's organizations have also urged Wal-Mart to change its policy."

...is making my original use seem fairly accurate.

Just how much can the government dictate what Americans can do? That issue is centerstage as this lawsuit raises the issue of whether a corporation can be forced to dispense the Morning After Pill. This is, of course, not the first time this issue has been raised, although the last major case involved the objections of individual pharmacists who objected to the drug, and refused to dispense it.
Compare this with the status of conscientious objectors, who have been able to refuse to act in a manner contrary to their moral convictions, ....If we are being consistent, wouldn't a pharmacist, or a corporation have the right to refuse dispensing this drug on the same grounds?


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