Aug 24, 2006

Well, so much for those Science Textbooks we read

As we are down here on Earth, gorging ourselves on Starbucks and watching endless newscasts about JonBenet Ramsey (haven't we already gone through a round of endless reports on this case?) we find out that Pluto is not a planet...or more to the point, it has apparently been demoted. Yesterday, Pluto was a happy little place in the top nine (okay, really it was a very cold, very lonely place, that isn't the point), now it has been named a dwarf....A DWARF...think about that, a dwarf. I feel bad for Pluto. Can we not come up with something better than dwarf status, I mean, for 76 years Pluto was one of the big guys, number 1 for farthest from the Sun, now, Dwarf. How about Hall of Fame Retired Ex-Planet? There just has to be something better than being called a dwarf if you were a planet yesterday?


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