Jan 20, 2006

25 Years Ago Today

After the "Long National Nightmare", and 4 years of malaise...The country (well most of us) enjoyed the inaugural of Ronald Reagan on January 20, 1981. At the same time that he was being sworn in, we watched the airplane holding 52 Hostages sit on the runway until after the new President was sworn in.

On that day President Reagan gave one of the better inaugural speeches of all time.

The speech can be heard here.

Interestingly, just 10 days later he was shot and badly wounded by John Hinckley.

Interesting facts about that inaugural:
-President Reagan was the oldest President to ever be take office...he was 69, and would turn 70 on February 6, 1981.

-President Reagan's inaugural was the first to be held on the backside of the Capitol (The side facing the Washington Memorial and the National Mall.)


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