What the soldiers say...are we listening?
I can take no credit for this, but it is an excellent blog detailing some of the feelings of America's fighting men and women. I for one am tired of stories portraying American military personel as barbarians (sorry, I will not link any, do a search if you do not believe they exist)...I will however link just a few of the best blogs from Iraq that do a fine job of telling the truth about them.
This one from Michael Yon entitled Gates of Fire actually was nominated for a pulitzer, the first blog entry ever to be nominated for that award. If you haven't read it, make sure you have some time, get comfortable and be prepared to be immersed. This story, when read aloud to my students last year left them dumbfounded and stunned.
Blackfive (Matthew Currier Burden-Author of "The Blogs of War") presents this compelling story of the level of brotherhood in our armed forces with Saving Specialist Gray.
btw...I highly suggest Burden's book. It tells about the war in an unvarnished, sometimes grisly, sometimes profane manner. It isn't always pretty, and it is rarely polite, but it is deeply moving. Here is an interesting review of it.
Below is AVC Grad Easton Taylor on patrol in Fallujah during Operation Phantom Fury

Personally I have no problem with going over to Iraq and fighting insurgents over there. Us fighting in Iraq keeps the terrorist organizations occupied with the war over there. They have to use their resources to fight us in a country far away from American soil. They are also fighting men that are trained to fight them, not inicent civilians that are not armed and have no chance to fight back. So as long as the terrorists are organized in one location then I'm willing as an American and a United States Marine to go over to Iraq and protect civilians from ever seeing a terrorist.
Good to hear from you Pvt. Scranton...how is training going?
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