The Surge
DC is abuzz with discussion of President Bush's proposed troop surge in Iraq.What has been missed by many is that this initiative deals with more than just increasing the number of troops in Iraq. In particular two key facts jump out. First, the 21,500 number appears to be far too small to significantly impact what is currently happening in Iraq, until it is realized that right now there are only about 7,000 combat troops in Iraq, and at least 80% of those being added will go into a combat role in Baghdad, meaning the force within the city will nearly 300%. Second, the Rules of Engagement (ROE) have been radically altered with this new initiative (see page 10 of the PDF). The President's new plan gives troops a more liberal ROE to operate under, instead of the highly restrictive one that has been tying the hands of many in the field, and has led to the frustration of some of the troops, and subsequent actions which have opened some of those troops to legal action. (See:Pendleton 8)
We do not know whether the Surge will in fact work, but something does have to be done.

For those who think it has no chance, I do have one question....Do you hope that you are wrong, and that it does work?
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