May 31, 2006

The Film

Per the request of many, here is the link to the Wikipedia site on the Zapruder Film.

May 30, 2006

Forget slippery slope, these guys have jumped off the cliff

This may be the most extreme example of relativism run rampant that I have ever seen.

May 17, 2006

Back to blogging

I have been blogging, but just on a different forum. Interestingly, politics elbowed into the 8th grade trip when we encountered protestors with Code Pink as they began their 24 hour vigil in Lafayette Park outside the White House....very entertaining. Cindy Sheehan was speaking as we headed back to our hotel for the evening...nothing new there. To paraphrase, GWB is to be pitied because his parents raised him wrong, Bush is bad, all war is evil, and no thought should be given to dealing with Iran militarily if necessary. She even stated that all parents should do anything to keep their children out of the military, including hiding them from the government.
The demonstration was not that large, maybe a couple hundred people, and that when the headliner, Ms. Sheehan, was speaking.
We had dinner and dessert at the Sky Terrace Restaurant, so we had an excellent view of the White House
...and the security atop the White House...impressive.

If you are wondering, I got a new camera phone for the trip...very cool.

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