Mar 29, 2006

Rahman apparently in Italy

Abdul Rahman, the Afghan who faced a possible death sentence for converting to Christianity, which is a violation of Sharia law as practiced in Afghanistan, has apparently been taken to Italy, where he now has been granted asylum.

Mar 26, 2006


This is a really bad idea. When I was 15, I knew what I wanted to be...but of course that changed when I was 16, 17, 18...etc.

A Tragic Loss

I am not really a fan of Senator Byrd, but the death of his wife of more than 68 years is something that goes beyond partisanship.

She sounds like a very intersting lady

This comment from him in one of his books...

The day after Byrd married Erma Ora James, he handed her his wallet:

"'Here is the pocketbook. You keep it. When I want a few dollars, I will ask you for it,'" he told her. "And that is the way it has been with Erma and me for more than 65 years. I have never thought much of a husband who keeps his wife on a short string by stingily handing over to her only a few dollars at a time.

"When all is said and done, she is the person who rocks the cradle and makes the world go around. ... To this day, I get along with an 'allowance' of $60 or $70 each month, and I have usually managed to set aside a few dollars from even that small sum — for a rainy day."

...Hints at a very special relationship.

My prayers are with the Senator.

Mar 25, 2006

Good Article on Thermopylae

I stumbled over this article on the epic battle...this, with a read of Gates of Fire should leave anyone with a pretty good idea of what happened there.

Mar 20, 2006

The Kitten has found a home

Well, the Kitten dilemna has ended, and Ms. Kitty (her temporary name) has found a home with some serious cat people. Hopefully O'Malley, our grumpy 17 year old, will get back to normal again.

Mar 19, 2006

Do you take it for granted?

This story really brings to the forefront how lucky we are to live here.

Mar 18, 2006

Projects are posted

The Spring Projects have been posted at both the school website and the message boards.

Mar 17, 2006

My nominee for the most bizarre workday of the year

It would be hard to top this one

Mar 15, 2006

The Gipper's Museum

I really do love breaks...Today I traveled to Simi Valley to visit the The Ronald W. Reagan Presidential Library & Museum. Great museum for one of my favorite Presidents. (For those who despise President Reagan, may I remind you of two names?....Jimmy Carter and Walter Mondale)
The Museum is solid, but the highlight really is Air Force One and Marine One...the exact copy of the Oval Office is also great.

Mar 14, 2006

Japan v. Mexico

I had the chance to go to the World Baseball Championships today in Anaheim. Interesting game....not like any American game I have attended. Interesting noise makers, lots and lots of flags, and lots of enthusiasm. The game was better than the score indicates, with Mexico pulling off several spectacular plays, including a 2-5-3 double play

Mar 13, 2006

Another failure of the Sobriety Checkpoint Corner

If you have ever heard my rant on this, you know what is next, another accident has happened at our corner. This one didn't make our yard this time...close, but not quite. This one did take a different route...firing off an embankment and traveling quite some distance through the air.

Photos from the morning appears that they were not on the road at all, but rather came off the dirt, anding up airborne before coming to a stop in the intersection.

Mar 12, 2006

Weekend in Vegas

We headed out of town for the weekend, and while Elisa was shopping, a friend and I headed to the Imperial Palace and Caesar's to look at great cars...

...and ended up with a bonus when we saw Pete Rose signing at Field of Dreams in the Forum Shops.

Mar 5, 2006

Trying to make something stick...

Two more "sure impeachment" issues...two more examples of a growing phenomenon. Portgate (shouldn't we stop using "gate" to end all potential scandals?) and the Katrina Video issue are just the latest attempts by those who want to find a reason, any reason, for impeachment proceedings.
For the last 5+ years, haters of the current occupant of the White House have been trying to identify the big "Gotcha" that would sink GWB. Just before the 2000 election, the issue was his DUI, along the way there have been accusations of everything from lying, to the DSM have been cited as the incidents that would finally bring down the sitting President.

...sadly, this is what the current situation is for any President...and once again, I ask the rhetorical question...why would any good woman or man want this job?

You may wonder why I am not troubled by either of these issues...Portgate is being investigated, and it is likely the deal with go through after all, and the video controversy....just two things, timeline and Governor Blanco

Well see, I can be wrong.

Dubai Ports World has essentially ended the controversy by agreeing to a compromise that will have a US company taking over these operations.
This link offers some interesting questions...
They have got a dilemma now, because there simply aren't American companies that have the know-how and the breadth to do this. Interestingly, and perhaps ironically, what I had heard earlier in the day, as they were looking at those that have the -- the kind of resources, Halliburton was a name that came up. And Democrats, I'm sure, are saying, please, God, let that happen.

I believe my Orstein is dead wrong on this issue...since they will, in effect, have handed this operation to Haliburton on a silver platter. We will see. I cannot wait for someone like Chuck Schumer to come out and attack Haliburton taking over this operation...and the presumptive Democratic favorite for 2008 is going to have a hard time invoking the evil Haliburton as a campaign issue.

Mar 2, 2006

This is funny

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