Well, so much for those Science Textbooks we read

As we are down here on Earth, gorging ourselves on Starbucks and watching endless newscasts about JonBenet Ramsey (haven't we already gone through a round of endless reports on this case?)....now we find out that Pluto is not a planet...or more to the point, it has apparently been demoted. Yesterday, Pluto was a happy little place in the top nine (okay, really it was a very cold, very lonely place, that isn't the point), now it has been named a dwarf....A DWARF...think about that, a dwarf. I feel bad for Pluto. Can we not come up with something better than dwarf status, I mean, for 76 years Pluto was one of the big guys, number 1 for farthest from the Sun, now, Dwarf. How about Hall of Fame Retired Ex-Planet? There just has to be something better than being called a dwarf if you were a planet yesterday?