Two more "sure impeachment" issues...two more examples of a growing phenomenon.
Portgate (shouldn't we stop using "gate" to end all potential scandals?) and
the Katrina Video issue are just the latest attempts by those who want to find a reason, any reason, for impeachment proceedings.
For the last 5+ years, haters of the current occupant of the White House have been trying to identify the big "Gotcha" that would sink GWB. Just before the 2000 election, the issue was his
DUI, along the way there have been accusations of everything from
lying, to the
DSM have been cited as the incidents that would finally bring down the sitting President.
...sadly, this is what the current situation is for any President...and once again, I ask the rhetorical question...why would any good woman or man want this job?
You may wonder why I am not troubled by either of these issues...Portgate is being investigated, and it is likely the deal with go through
after all, and the video controversy....just two things, timeline and
Governor BlancoUPDATEWell see, I can be wrong.
Dubai Ports World has essentially ended the controversy by agreeing to a
compromise that will have a US company taking over these operations.
This link offers some interesting questions...
They have got a dilemma now, because there simply aren't American companies that have the know-how and the breadth to do this. Interestingly, and perhaps ironically, what I had heard earlier in the day, as they were looking at those that have the -- the kind of resources, Halliburton was a name that came up. And Democrats, I'm sure, are saying, please, God, let that happen.
I believe my Orstein is dead wrong on this issue...since they will, in effect, have handed this operation to Haliburton on a silver platter. We will see. I cannot wait for someone like
Chuck Schumer to come out and attack Haliburton taking over this operation...and the
presumptive Democratic favorite for 2008 is going to have a hard time invoking the evil Haliburton as a campaign issue.